Setting out a New Way Forward

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2024 edition

Adaptation in Motion

Setting out a New Way Forward

Despite ongoing geopolitical tensions, 2024 should see the volatility and uncertainty of recent years yield to adaptation. Monetary policy should normalise as the growth versus inflation dilemma abates. Meanwhile, societies will work to absorb the technological revolution that AI is accelerating. Decarbonising all the world’s economies is urgent-yet global energy transition still faces major hurdles. The next Amundi World Investment Forum will explore how policymakers, financial services and investors can meet these challenges.  

Replays 2024

The Amundi World Investment Forum

Valérie Baudson quote 1

Established in Amundi’s calendar since its founding more than a decade ago, the Amundi World Investment Forum has become one of the leading events in asset management, sharing insights, expertise and thought-leadership with our clients from around the world. The event brings together investors across all spheres to discuss the new frontiers of our industry. Over the last thirteen editions, the Amundi World Investment Forum has been recognized for its high-quality discussions and distinguished speakers, addressing global challenges and confirming Amundi’s commitment to sustainable finance.
quote 2

Valérie Baudson
Chief Executive Officer, Amundi

14 years of Amundi World
Investment Forum
2 day
+900 attendees
per year
+80 countries

2024 speakers

2024 Amundi speakers

Valérie Baudson

Valérie Baudson
Chief Executive Officer, Amundi

Jean-Jacques Barbéris

Jean-Jacques Barbéris
Head of the Institutional and Corporate Clients Division and ESG, Amundi

Nicolas Calcoen

Nicolas Calcoen
Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Amundi

Amaury d’Orsay

Amaury d’Orsay
Head of Fixed Income and Money Market, Amundi

Monica Defend

Monica Defend
Head of the Amundi Investment Institute

Elodie Laugel

Elodie Laugel
Chief Responsible Investment Officer, Amundi

Guillaume Lesage

Guillaume Lesage
Chief Operating Officer, Amundi

Benjamin Lucas

Benjamin Lucas
Chief Executive Officer, Amundi Technology

Olivier Mariée

Olivier Mariée
Chief Executive Officer of CPRAM and Head of Joint Ventures Supervision, Amundi

Vincent Mortier

Vincent Mortier
Chief Investment Officer, Amundi

John O’Toole

John O’Toole
Head of Multi-Asset Investment Solutions, Amundi

Marco Pirondini

Marco Pirondini
Chief Investment Officer, Amundi US

Anna Rosenberg

Anna Rosenberg
Head of Geopolitics, Amundi Investment Institute

Yerlan Syzdykov

Yerlan Syzdykov
Head of Emerging Markets, Amundi

Benoit Tassou

Benoit Tassou
Head of the French Partner Networks Division, Amundi

Fannie Wurtz

Fannie Wurtz
Head of the Distribution and Wealth Division, Passive business line, Amundi

Speaker highlights from previous editions

Kenneth Rogoff
IMF Chief Economist (2001-03)
Kenneth Rogoff
Joseph Stiglitz
Nobel Prize - Economics (2001)
Joseph  Stiglitz
Ben Bernanke
Chair of the FED (2006-14)
Ben  Bernanke
Paul Krugman
Nobel Prize – Economics (2008)
Paul Krugman
Lawrence Summers
U.S. Secretary of the Treasury (1999-2001) and Director of the National Economic Council (2009-2010)
Lawrence Summers
Arundhati Bhattacharya
Chair - State Bank of India (2013-17)
Arundhati  Bhattacharya
Catherine A Ashton
EU High Rep. for Foreign Affairs & Security Policy (2009-14)
Catherine A Ashton
Janet L. Yellen
Chair of the FED (2014-18)
Janet L. Yellen
Enrico Letta
Prime Minister of Italy (2013-14)
Enrico Letta
John K. Kerry
U.S. Secretary of State (2013-17)
John K. Kerry
William D. Nordhaus
Nobel Prize - Economics (2018)
William D. Nordhaus
Carmen M. Reinhart
Senior VP & Chief Economist - World Bank Group
Carmen M. Reinhart
Esther Duflo
Nobel Prize - Economics (2019)
Esther  Duflo
Mariana Mazzucato
Professor in the Economics of Innovation & Public Value - University College London
Mariana Mazzucato
Mark Carney
Chair – Bank of England
Mark Carney
Robert J. Schiller
Nobel Prize - Economics (2013)
Robert J. Schiller
Daniel Kahneman
Nobel Prize - Economics (2002)
Daniel  Kahneman
Hillary Rodham Clinton
U.S. Secretary of State (2009-13)
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Niall Ferguson
Milbank Family Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University
Niall Ferguson
Olivier Blanchard
Professor of Economics emeritus - MIT & Senior Fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics
Olivier  Blanchard
Helen Thompson
Professor of Political Economy, University of Cambridge
Christoph Heusgen
Dr. Yu Jie
Senior Research fellow on China at Chatham House
Annamaria Lusardi
Dr. Mario Draghi
DPrime Minister of Italy (2021-2022)
Former President of the European Central Bank (2011-2019)
Justin Yifu Lin
Douglas W. Diamond
Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences (2022)
Merton H. Miller Distinguished Service Professor of Finance
University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business
Stephanie Kelton
Sanna Marin
Prime Minister & Head of Government of Finland (2019-2023)
Stephanie Kelton
Gordon Brown
Prime Minister of Great Britain & Northern Ireland (2007-2010) & Chancellor of the Exchequer (1997-2007)
Stephanie Kelton
Daron Acemoğlu
MIT Institute Professor
Stephanie Kelton
Dr. Aurélie Jean
Data scientist, In Silico Veritas & INFRA
Stephanie Kelton
Keyu Jin
Professor of Economics at the London School of Economics
Stephanie Kelton
Maurice Lévy
Chairman Emeritus, Publicis Groupe
Stephanie Kelton


( breakout sessions per day

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